• Intro to Common Core
    • This workshop breaks down some of the key components that are being introduced with CCSS and how parents can help reinforce these skills with their children at home.
  • Improving Literacy Skills
    • Parents often struggle with teaching their children literacy skills. In this workshop we go over some strategies parents can use a t home to improve their child's literacy skills
  • Overcoming the Language Barrier- Comprehension strategies
    • Your child comes to you with a question on their homework, what do you do? We review a few comprehension strategies for parents so they can help students with their homework when the vocabulary and/or subject may be difficult
  • Reinforcing Common Core Reading Strategies In The Home
    • This workshop breaks down some of the key components that are being introduced with CCSS, and how parents can help reinforce these skills with their children at home.
  • Effective Parent-Teacher conferences: Tips and strategies
    • Although many schools require parents to come in and do a "Parent- Teacher Conference", many parents don't know what they should be expecting or asking at these conferences. In this workshop we discuss some great questions and tools to take with you when attending these conferences
  • Different Learning Styles
    • Getting to know your child's learning style is important. This workshop will teach you how to capitalize on your child's strengths at school and home.
  • Preventing the "Summer Slide"
    • Summer is a great time for kids to relax and reset for the coming year. How can you keep your child engaged in learning in the summer to prepare for the incoming school year?
  • Helping Your Child Succeed in School
    • This workshop focuses on helpful tips and strategies for parents to utilize at home to encourage their child to be successful in school. 

Creating a School Partnership workshops