• Active Parenting: Being an Involved Parent
    • Many parents want to be involved in their child's lives but either don't know how to or don't have the time. In this workshop we discuss different ways of being an active parent and being involved in their child's life
  • Effective Discipline: Knowing your rights as a parent
    • As a parent it can be very confusing and even nerve-racking knowing how to best discipline your child. This workshop gives parents essential information around discipline and helps add positive strategies for effective parenting. We will also discuss your legal rights as a parent and give tips and best practices.
  • Homework Strategies for Parents (ELL Focus)
    • This workshop reviews how parents and caregivers who do not speak English can help with homework while improving lifelong literacy skills
  • Helping children prevent or react to harassment
    • One of a parent's largest concerns with their child is the possibility of them having to experience or experiencing harassment and/or abuse. We how to approach this subject with your child and helpful and potentially life saving tips on how to avoid, prevent, or react to harassment or abuse.
  • Understanding Depression and preventing teen suicide
    • Adolescents go through so many stages that it makes it difficult to know which ones to take seriously. This workshop goes through the basics of understanding what depression is, symptoms, and prevention or treatment.
  • How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children
    • Created by The Children's Project, this workshop discusses how to meet the emotional needs of babies, toddlers, children, and teenagers. It provides powerful and practical concepts and tools that enable parents to interact with children and with each other in emotionally healthy ways.
  • Student Drug Use: Effects and Prevention Strategies
    • Drug use in teens has increased dramatically. We will discuss some of the early indicators of drug use and symptoms to look for to determine if your children are using drugs
  • Technology Basics: how to navigate a computer, IPad, and cell phone.
    • In this workshop we give parents basics on how to navigate a computer, IPad, and cell phone. We also show parents how to set limits and controls around the technology their child uses
  • College Preparatory Assistance: How to Pay for College
    • Many parents and students don't think they can go to college because of the cost. In this workshop we discuss different options available to help carry the financial burden. Parents will receive great tips and tricks on how to save money on books, scholarships that may be available to them, and how to apply.
  • Helping Children Build Healthy Self-Esteem
    • Parents will be able to identify what hurts a child’s self-esteem and what helps to build a strong sense of self-worth. 

Active Parenting workshops